G30X2 - The Breakdowm

What is G30X2?

G30X2 is a G-Mode Fitness workout plan designed for users’ growth and ease of use.  Workouts are broken down into two (2) 30 minutes blocks per day, 5 times a week. Hence: G30x2. Our central premise is any movement is better than none. We customize a series of compound lifts, alternating weights, differentiating rep counts, and off body-part movements to maximize your time and effort while at the gym. Bottom-line, we work you out.

Our Growth Cycle

Understanding the process is key

We follow the total body approach to fitness and wellness. We believe that the mind, body, and spirit must all be strengthen and working in unison to unlock peak performance. Utmost care is taken to foster positivity before, during, and after training to help meet your goals. We have illustrated the typical growth cycle our clients present during intake and later proceed to achieve.

Only thing missing is you

Are you working out 5 days/week for 2 hours and adhering to a diet; yet, you are not seeing your desired results? The answer is either your nutrition, stress, and/or routine is causing you to miss the mark.

Ready to look at fitness and wellness in a different, comprehensive lens? Are you seeking to reinforce the total you? Working together we can! Start the G-UP challenge today.